what is blockchain technology?

Blockchain is a public verifiable and tamperproof ledger of transactions. Public means anyone can look at the transactions by knowing the address of where the transaction originated from or simply looking through the ledger. Verifiable -meaning anyone can compare the transactions with others to make sure they are accurate. You can also verify the transactions […]

Large transfer orders of btc from exchange to wallet signals price fluctuation

Noticing that before btc moves a great deal in either direction large transfers are taking place on the blockchain from wallets to exchanges and vice versa. Noticed athis yesterday before bitcoins major decrease and again today. I am speculating that the large transfers increase or decrease liquidity on the exchanges effecting supply demand ratios thereby […]

Transiting mars in Scorpio opposite transiting Uranus in Taurus

Today we had an all day fire sell event with the crypto markets. I believe celestial configurations play a part in human behavioral patterns which effect every facet of our lives. MARS which tepresents our action/desire principle in the sign of Scorpio which symbolizes our sub conscious and deep rooted fears in a tug of […]