Did anyone notice that all major markets experienced some mi.or sell offs across the board. USA and crypto markets were erratic. Coincidentally the debt for evergrande the chinese real estate concern was due and in addition to that we had the computer systems at coinbase pro glitching. I noticed unusual trading patterns in stocks and cryptos. All this in my opnion was due to the moon first conjuncting saturn in the morning which set the sentiment for negativity, responsibility and roadblocks then later moving on to square uranus which translate to unexpected, erratic and restlessness. Uranus also symbolizes real estate and computers. So this made for a very chaotic day. You have the seriousness and glommyness of the moon (emotions) blending (conjunction) with saturn (malefic and stuborn). Then the emotions (moon) needing to brake free of the routine andor roadblocks when it started to square uranus. How did you feel? Below is a chart
here is a snapshot off a crypto that did a complete reversal of the gains from the previous days rally.